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Monday 27 July 2020

The New Normal for Dental Consultations

Most dental clinics have been working online/offline to ensure that their patients do not suffer during the lockdown. The Government of India has advised the Dentists to treat only the dental emergencies at the clinic and recommended them to consult patients (emergencies/non-emergencies) over the phone to curb the spread of COVID19. Most of the clinics in the city are still closed. If you are facing any dental concern, you can reach your dentist on their mobile/telephone.

Dr.Pratik’s Dental Clinic has been providing telephonic consultation to its patients throughout the lockdown. They have been giving medicine prescription and necessary treatment advice over the phone to help alleviate patients discomfort. They  have been keeping an update on their patients to see if the issue has been resolved. Not all dental treatments can be done over the telephone, some patients are required to visit the clinic physically post lockdown.Such patients would be appointed later ensuring all the safety measures are in place.

PPE kit 
<a href="">Designed by Freepik</a>

Most dentists have utilized this period to procure all necessary equipment to ensure the safety of the patients. Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic has used this time to obtain N95 masks,surgical masks, disposable drapes, disposable PPE kits, HEPA air purifier, and UV-C light sterilizer. They have made the necessary changes to eliminate the chance of spread of infection at the clinic.

HEPA Air Purifier

In case, you are facing any dental issues and want to consult a dentist.
Call 98207 91708 to book an appointment at Dr.Pratik’s Dental Clinic.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

6 Most Common Brushing Mistakes

Everyone expects to have a Bright and Sparkling Smile, though most of us choose to ignore our oral hygiene/dental health checkups. Knowingly/unknowingly a lot of us have been brushing our teeth in the wrong way. It is essential to use the right brushing techniques and right brush design to get the perfect result. Here are a few common mistakes that most of us make

1. Using the Wrong Toothbrush: The one thing that we insist is using a medium or soft bristle toothbrush. Soft and medium bristles clean teeth effectively, as compared to hard bristles. Sometimes, hard bristles can wear down the tooth structure and damage gums. Also, choosing the right size of a toothbrush is crucial.
Use the Right Brush

2. Using the Wrong Technique: There are many recommendations on how one should brush teeth. But, we suggest to start from the gums, up and down, and move in little circular motion. We recommend brushing at a 45-degree angle from the gum line to clean teeth effectively and ask people to be soft on the teeth as brushing hard may damage the teeth or gums.

Use the Right Brushing Technique

3. Brushing Teeth for a Shorter Time: An average person's brushing time is just 45 seconds. It is ideal for a person to brush teeth for at least 2 minutes. Because brushing teeth for less than 2 minutes may not give adequate time for fluoride in toothpaste to work on teeth. We suggest people use a timer to brush their teeth or at least stand in front of a mirror and brush your teeth.

Brush for 2minutes

4. Forgetting the Tongue: Most of the people ignore to clean their tongue. It can hold a lot of bacteria that may lead to bad breath and poor oral hygiene. So, we advise you to brush or gently scrape the tongue with the toothbrush after brushing teeth to get complete oral care.

Clean Your Tongue

5. Not flossing Teeth: Flossing needs to be part of your oral hygiene regime. Flossing teeth removes plaque from places where the toothbrush cannot reach. If it stays in between your teeth, it can turn into a hard-calcified deposit on your teeth. And let me tell you, it is not ideal for your teeth as well as your gums
Floss Your Teeth

6. Not Brushing Twice a Day: Most of the people only brush their teeth once in a day, when they get up in the morning. But we recommend brushing at least twice a day to keep up with oral hygiene. Brushing teeth twice reduces the bacteria and plaque build-up. It also reduces the risk of gum disease and staining of teeth

Brush Twice once in morning and once at night

So why wait, Call Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic at 98207 91708 today to help you have your BEST SMILE

Cleaning Between Your Teeth Is The Key To A Truly Healthy Smile

Brushing your teeth should be your priority when it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth. Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is e...