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Showing posts with label dental blogs. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Cleaning Between Your Teeth Is The Key To A Truly Healthy Smile

Brushing your teeth should be your priority when it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth. Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is essential for a healthy smile, but there is one simple addition that can drastically improve your oral health: interdental cleaning.

While brushing your teeth is the most effective way to keep them clean, it only reaches 60% of the surface area. Cleaning in between the gaps in your teeth with the best interdental brushes is one of the simplest and most important things you can do to improve the health of your smile. If you are no sure which is the best brush is best for you, visit the best dental clinic in Dombivli to know the best and affordable interdental brushes for your oral needs.

Why Is It So Important To Clean Between Your Teeth?

Plaque can accumulate in between the teeth, where a normal toothbrush cannot reach.

Over time, plaque deposit can lead to gum inflammation, tooth decay, and bad breath. It is an excellent idea to incorporate interdental brushing in your daily cleaning routine to avoid this.

The best interdental brush is a small brush that cleans between your teeth, where a regular toothbrush cannot reach. Using an interdental brush daily, in addition to brushing your teeth, is a simple and effective way to keep your gums and teeth clean and healthy.

At Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic Dombivli, we recommend cleaning inbetween your teeth every day to keep your mouth healthy and fresh.

There is a slight possibility of your gums feeling sore and bleeding when you first start cleaning between your teeth. If your gums bleed excessively, stop immediately because bleeding in gums is often a sign of gum inflammation or infection. Contact Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic to better understand the cause for bleeding or oral infection.

Choosing the Correct Interdental Brush Size

Interdental brushes come in a variety of sizes, making it challenging to determine which is best for your mouth.

Request a recommendation from the best dentist in Dombivli for a reliable advice. Meanwhile, here are some pointers to get you started…

  • Examine your teeth in the mirror and place the brush between them, close to the gums. Begin with the smallest brush size and work your way up until the bristles of the brush are in contact with the tooth surface and gum tissue.
  • The brush should be snug, but the wire should not touch the sides of the teeth or the gums, even if it is plastic coated. Never try to cram the brush into a tight space.
  • After inserting the interdental brush, move it back and forth about 2-3 times to its full length. Once a day, brush all the spaces between your teeth.

It is likely that you will need two to three brushes of various sizes, or a combination of one or two brushes and floss – it all depends on the spacing between your teeth, which varies throughout the mouth.

How to Use Interdental Brushes?

It is all about using the right technique when it comes to interdental cleaning. The good news is that learning how to use interdental brushes is relatively simple. It is a healthy habit that will last a lifetime once you have mastered it.

  • Brush between the front teeth with a straight interdental brush.
  • Brush your teeth gently with the brush. Work the brush or choose a smaller size rather than forcing it into a space.
  • Several times, move the interdental toothbrush full length back and forth.

When brushing the back teeth with a small interdental brush,

You can slightly curve the soft neck with a small interdental brush. It is easier to reach between the back teeth by applying pressure with your finger. Alternatively, a long-handled interdental brush can also be used.

When brushing the back teeth with a larger interdental brush,

When using larger interdental brushes, slightly curving the wire can help with access between the back teeth. If you do not straighten or bend the interdental brush at an angle, it will last longer.

Getting Started With Interdental Brushes

Take charge of your oral health and ensure that your beautiful smile stays with your forever. Brushing between the teeth is beneficial to everyone, regardless of their dental health. As a result, starting now is a good idea.

Here's what you should do:

  • Make an appointment with Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic Dombivli to have your teeth checked and your interdental space measured by your dentist.
  • Select the interdental brushes that correspond to your sizing. 
  • As part of your morning or evening routine, begin cleaning your interdental spaces.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Should You Be Brushing Your Teeth Before or After Having Breakfast?

Starting the day off right can help you improve your tooth and gum health. When our alarm clock goes off in the morning, taking care of our teeth may be the last thing on our minds, especially as the cold, dark mornings of autumn and winter set in.

If we do not give ourselves enough time, the morning routine can be a stressful and rushed time of day. However, it is a crucial period for our teeth and gums, and there's more to consider than just when to brush your teeth.

There are a variety of actions we take, or miss to take, at this time of day that can have a significant impact on our oral health. At Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic Dombivli, we provide some tips on how making a few small changes to our morning routine can improve our oral health.


Start Your Day With A Glass Of Water

Professional dentist in Dombivli recommends keeping a glass of water by your bedside and drinking it as soon as you wake up. Many of us do not drink enough water in a day, so this is a good way to start both your metabolism and your hydration. While a cup of tea or a cup of coffee may be your other morning liquid intake, keep in mind that these are mildly diuretic and, while initially refreshing, can also contribute to dehydration (and stained teeth!). Maintaining hydration will boost saliva production, which will help to protect your teeth from decay.

A word of caution: Adding fresh lemon juice to the water is recommended by some family dentist’s. While this adds to the flavour, it may cause tooth damage because lemon juice is acidic and can harm the enamel, especially when combined with hot water.


Brush Your Teeth In The Morning!

You may believe that brushing your teeth in the morning is an 'optional extra' because you have not eaten anything overnight.

However, bacterial deposits will have accumulated on your teeth and in your gum pockets while you slept (if you're a mouth breather, your teeth will have dried out and be lacking important saliva protection). As these bacteria are major contributors to tooth decay and gum disease, brushing your teeth first thing in the morning is essential.

Now the question arises, Is it better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast? There are many different points of view on this, but the best dentist in Dombivli believes that before you leave the house, you should brush your teeth to remove any bacteria that has accumulated overnight and rinse with a fluoride mouthwash. Experts understand that this is not always possible, so if you need to brush your teeth after eating, wait 30-60 minutes for your mouth's PH balance to return to normal before brushing your teeth.

How about flossing? If you are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, flossing is a good idea; however, if you are tired or pressed for time, flossing in the evening, just once a day, is also acceptable!


Breakfast Is On You.

Depending on how much time we have left, we may have to change our breakfast plans. However, many breakfast products available on the market contain extremely high levels of sugar, which may provide a morning 'boost,' but also means that your teeth are coated in sugar to begin the day.

If you want to eat those things, try a sugar-free cereal instead of high-sugar cereals or even toast with jam or honey. Alternatives include boiled or scrambled eggs, plain yoghurt (without the honey), and even cheese, which is not a common breakfast food in India but is widely consumed at this time. In fact, cheese not only contains calcium and other minerals that are good for your teeth, but it also helps to balance your mouth's PH levels, which helps to prevent enamel erosion.



The bad news for parents is that they will have to leave even earlier in the morning to ensure that their children have a good start. Whether it's watching cartoons on TV or playing the latest game on their phone, kids will find a way to avoid doing what they need to do – brushing teeth. If you have children, make sure they brush their teeth under your supervision and avoid sugary cereals.


Carry Your Lunch With You

When packing lunches, think "tooth-friendly lunch." Too many of us rely on store-bought snacks that, while tasty and appealing, may not always be the healthiest option for our teeth and, by extension, our overall health. Taking care of your teeth at lunch as well as breakfast will undoubtedly benefit your teeth while also saving you money.

However, if you have damaged your health and are looking for the best dental clinic near me,  Dr. Pratik’s Dental Clinic in Dombivli is always delighted to see you. We offer paediatric dentistry, root canal treatment, cosmetic dentistry, veneers, and many more special dental care in Dombivli. Call 98207 91708 to make an appointment with us – we are waiting to take your call!

Thursday 3 February 2022

How Often Should My Toothbrush Be Replaced?



When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We toss out old meals, resupply vitamins supplements, and refresh our cosmetic products periodically, but when it comes to beauty and health, our oral/dental hygiene does not get the same kind of attention or thought. People offer less heed to visit a dental clinic in Dombivli for their oral health.

However, here are some key regulations and guidelines to follow to maintain excellent dental health.


When Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

The Indian Dental Association (IDA) and the best dentist in Dombivli recommend changing your toothbrushes every three months. Brushes lose their effectiveness at removing plaque from gums and teeth over time due to regular wear and tear. According to studies, the bristles disintegrate and lose their potency after 3 months.

Another factor we do not usually consider (and definitely do not want to take into consideration) is that bacteria can hide and accumulate in toothbrush bristles. Because of this, it is critical to change your toothbrush after a cold to avoid reinfection.

If not properly cared for, bacteria and germs can grow in the bristles. After each use, properly rinse and dry your toothbrush before storing it uncovered in a vertical position away from other toothbrushes. When travelling, keep your toothbrush head covered to protect it and prevent germs from spreading.

If you are not sure how long it has been since you last changed your toothbrush, look at the state of your toothbrush head, especially if the bristles are worn out, fanned out, or frayed, or if you see dark colour changes (which are an indication of mould growth), it is high time to change it.


What Tends to happen If I Do Not Replace My Toothbrush Regularly?

If the fact that bacteria and fungi grow on your toothbrush bristles over time is not enough to convince you to change your toothbrush more frequently, there are a slew of other hazards and unpleasant consequences to consider. 

One concern is that your gums will be damaged as outdated toothbrushes become ineffective at eliminating plaque from your teeth, resulting in gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to infection, leading to tooth loss.

Even more undesirable, overused toothbrushes can get you sick (bacteria and fungal buildup), your toothbrush can have mould, and, perhaps most unappealing of all, you can eat unwelcome particles if stored near a toilet.

So, if it has been a long time since you replaced the brush, then consider changing it right now. Also, make an appointment with the best dental clinic near me for deep cleaning.


What to Look for When Buying Dental Supplies (Toothbrushes)

During your next visit to a dental clinic in Dombivli for examination and cleaning, ask your dentist for recommendations on what you should buy depending on your specific needs, dental health, and other factors.

  • Look for soft bristle toothbrushes, as hard bristles can damage your gums and teeth. 
  • Choose a toothbrush head size that only brushes one or two teeth at a time.
  • Use a toothpaste containing fluoride that has been approved by the Indian Dental Association.
  • Consider using mouthwash to help fight plaque and gingivitis, and do not forget the floss!

Consider purchasing an electric toothbrush, which has been shown to improve oral health beyond that of a manual toothbrush by removing plaque, lowering gingivitis, and removing tooth stains. They have also been found to help persons with periodontal disease reduce the amount of plaque on their teeth.

Do your research on which products are best suited to your needs, and do not forget to seek advice from the best dentist near me.

Are you in need of the best dentist in Dombivli? We would be delighted to see you. Make an appointment with Dr. Pratik's Dental Clinic, Dombivli, today! Call 98207 91708.

Cleaning Between Your Teeth Is The Key To A Truly Healthy Smile

Brushing your teeth should be your priority when it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth. Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is e...