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Wednesday 10 April 2019

Complete or Partial Dentures; post insertion instruction for patients.

  1. Once you receive your Denture (Complete/Partial) do not immediately start using it for chewing your Food from the first day itself. During the first few days, the denture might trouble you by pricking certain areas on your gums or cheek. You can get rid of the discomfort with some minor trimmings done by your Dentist in Follow up Visits. If you have developed an Ulcer or minor cut, kindly apply some Glycerine or local anesthetic gelly for intraoral use. And inform the dentist about the same so he can trim off the excess edges that hurt you.
  2. For at least a Week just try to make the habit of wearing the denture. So that your mouth accepts the denture completely. 
  3. For the First week after wearing denture you might experience excessive salivation. Salivation will gradually reduce as you keep using the denture through the week.
  4. During the First week remove the denture only while you are having food and while sleeping. You should wear your denture for the rest of the day. Try wearing the denture for as much time as possible. So that the denture is accepted well and early by you.
  5. You would face difficulty to speak clearly in the initial week as something new(your new Dentures) are placed in your mouth and you are not used to talking with the denture in your mouth. Don't panic or get stressed. Eventually, after practice, you will be able to speak clearly and fluently. From the Second week of receiving the Denture start practicing to speak with the Denture on. For this Try reading the headlines of the newspaper loudly. You should read the text loudly enough, that if you are sitting in the Hall and your spouse is two rooms away in the kitchen He /She should be able to hear what you are Speaking. You can choose to read your favorite Fantasy novel, religious books, Stotras Mantras out loud as well. Choose the book you like reading.
  6. While you Sleep in the afternoon or at Night, do not sleep with the Dentures in Mouth. Remove the Dentures and place it in a small box filled with room temperature water. Do not place it anywhere outside in the open air. The Temperature changes in the atmosphere might affect the make of your Dentures, if kept dry in the open air.
  7. After you get adjusted to wearing the Denture, start with chewing of Soft Food like soft Bread, crunchy Biscuits, Idlis, Chapati soaked in Daal or curry, if you are a nonvegetarian you can have soft pieces of well-cooked chicken or soft meat of your choice. Gradually move towards eating semi-solid and solid Foods. Avoid Eating excessively hard food like hard nuts, Hard Ladoos, hard candy, carrots, hard nuts, if you are a nonvegetarian avoid breaking bones.
  8. Clean your dentures with just normal handwash soap and denture cleaning brush. Clean your dentures after every meal.  Do not use toothpaste to clean your dentures.
  9. If you are using Denture Adhesives with your Dentures, keep the Dentures clean, as the residual adhesive combined with food debris can lead to fungal growth on the denture surface as well as your gums. 
  10. Once you start using the Dentures, the Denture might hurt somewhere or the other during the initial one or two weeks. Visit your Dentist to your satisfaction to get the pricking sharp points reduced by your Dentist. Unless and until YOU don't make a Habit of wearing your Denture, The Denture would never get Adjusted. You have to take the initiative of wearing the Denture until you form a Habit of wearing it without getting conscious.

Post Operative Instruction after a Wisdom tooth/teeth Extraction

  • After the Extraction of the tooth, your dentist will place a cotton/gauze pack on the wound, on which you would be asked to bite on tight for at least an hour. After one hour, remove the gauze pack from your mouth and do not place any other gauze or cotton pack over the wound if the bleeding has stopped. If your wound continues to bleed excessively place a roll of new Sterile cotton or a new sterile gauze pack again in the mouth at the bleeding site and bite tight on it, Ask someone to call your Dentist and inform him about the event.
  • Mild Bleeding is considered normal for 12 to 24 hours after extraction
  • Do not Spit out your Saliva or Blood, that accumulates in your mouth. Do swallow it.
  • Once you reach home, Start applying an Ice pack on the outside of the face over the area of the extraction site. Place the Ice pack for 10 seconds and remove it for 5 seconds and again place it for 10 seconds, continue doing this for the first 2 to 9 hours after the extraction. This will help reduce swelling and discomfort. Do Not continuously place the Ice pack on your cheeks.
  • The Effect of the anesthesia might last for 30 minutes to 5 hours.
    Until the anesthesia wears off completely avoid chewing of food and do not consume any hot liquid drinks. Do Not check if the anesthesia has worn off by biting your lips or your tongue. You might not realize the amount of pressure you are exerting while biting and that would later trouble you as a big ulcer in that area. 
  • After one hour of extraction, after you have removed the Gauze/cotton pack, have a plain Vanilla Ice Cream. Avoid ice cream with nuts and other add-ons.
    Have plain Vanilla Icecream

  • Post Extraction you will be Asked to be on Soft Diet for 2 to 3 days. Soft Diet might include Vegetable Soups, Bland non-spicy food, Dahi Chawal, Daal Chawal, Soft Idlis. Avoid Spicy, HOT and Hard food that would irritate or prick the Wound.
  • Drink Plenty of Water and Liquids for the first 24 hours after the Extraction. You can also have fruit juices or Milkshake.
  • Do not have Aerated Carbonated Drinks. 

  • Avoid using a Straw as it might dislodge the Blood clot that would have formed on the site of extraction.

  • Do take your Dose of Medication as prescribed by your Dentist. If you develop any Side effects or allergies Do seek Immediate Medical care/attention.
  • Post Extraction for 2 days do not Gargle vigorously. Stand in front of a Basin, Take some water in your mouth, gently tilt your head slightly to the Left side and then to the right, so that the water in the mouth gently rolls all over in the mouth, Now open your mouth over the basin and allow the water flow out. Do not vigorously spit the water Out. From second-day post extraction, you can start with salt water gargles.
  • Post-extraction avoid brushing in the area of the wound.
    Brush the rest of the mouth, as usual. Avoid brushing the extraction site for two days.
  • Do not Smoke for 24 hours after the extraction. 
  • Do not Consume Alcohol for 24 hours after the extraction. 
  • A mild Swelling is expected in the region where extraction is done on the next day. With the help of medications, the swelling would subside gradually. If the swelling does not subside after 7 days of extractions, Do inform and visit your dentist for a Checkup.
  • Monitor your Body Temperature for First two days after Extraction. Any unusual rise in temperature should be reported to your Dentist.
  • Dry Socket: is a complication that arises if the wound healing does not take place as it should happen. It is mainly because the Blood clot at the extraction site dislodges and the further wound healing is disturbed. There is moderate to severe pain and foul odor associated with Dry socket. If you experience such symptoms you should schedule an appointment with your Dentist for a Checkup.

Cleaning Between Your Teeth Is The Key To A Truly Healthy Smile

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