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Wednesday 10 April 2019

Post Operative Instructions after A Tooth Colored Composite Filling.

  1. The Composite/Tooth colored Resin Filling hardens immediately after the Dentist cures the Filling with blue intensity Light.
  2. You can eat your food immediately from the opposite side once your Filling is done. You Don't have to wait for an hour or so for the Filling to set.
  3. The Composite Filling usually takes a day or two to settle down. Even after two days you still experience any discomfort do inform your Dentist about the same and schedule an appointment with him.
  4. If you feel the Composite Filling is too High and you feel some discomfort or pain while closing your mouth, then get an appointment scheduled with your Dentist and get the high point reduced by him.
  5. Brush all your teeth including the filled tooth as usual. You may also use a Mouthwash in addition to Brushing. Floss all your teeth at least once in a day. Do not compromise on your Daily Oral Hygiene Protocol.
  6. Avoid playing or ticking the slight margin of the Filling that you might feel, with your nails. Doing so might Damage the Filling, Chip the Filling and that area would become, food and plaque retaining area, causing further gradual damage to your teeth. If you feel the margin of the Filling is causing you some uneasiness, schedule an appointment with your Dentist and get the margin of the Filling smoothened and polished.
  7. Avoid Biting on Excessively Hard food, such as Hard Ladoos, Hard Chikkis, Hard Candys 🍭, Hard Chana, Carrots, Nuts, if you are a nonvegetarian then Bones🍗, etc. Doing so might fracture and damage your Composite Filling.
  8. If a Composite Filling is Done on your Front/Anterior Teeth, avoid bitting on food with your front teeth directly. Avoid Bitting Nails, or taking a bite of an apple directly. This might fracture or Damage the Filled teeth.
  9. Staining of Composite Filling can be avoided if you can avoid drinking Tea, Coffee, Cola drinks, Soya Sauce, also avoid Smoking.

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